We are delighted to report that Goles for Peace (G4P) has started face-to-face activities in 2021. Implementing protocols for bio-security we are able to offer home work club and psychology workshops in small groups. The video below shows the G4P team at work. Thanks so the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and La Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana for their continued support by placing students to do their practical with G4P.
We are also delivering physical training twice a week supported by Students from La Universidad Santo Tomás. The gallery below shows sessions in Olas 2, Bosconia and Santos Bajos the neighborhoods where we work in Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Due to the pandemic we are working with much less resources than normal but we are determined to continue to offer support to the vulnerable communities in which we work. If you are interested in supporting the foundation please get in touch.