All the latest news about Goals for Peace.Meine zwei Wochen bei “Goles por la paz”
Eine Flugstunde von Bogota entfernt, im Hochland der kolumbianischen Anden, liegt Bucaramanga, die Hauptstadt des Departements Santander. Umgeben von spektakulären Landschaften und Wäldern, geprägt von drei verschiedenen Klimazonen, hat die vielseitige Stadt einiges...
Mis dos semanas con “Goles por la paz”
A una hora de vuelo de Bogotá, en el altiplano de los Andes colombianos, se encuentra Bucaramanga, la capital del departamento de Santander. Rodeada de espectaculares paisajes y bosques, caracterizada por tres zonas climáticas diferentes, esta versátil ciudad tiene...
2021 Activities Begin
We are delighted to report that Goles for Peace (G4P) has started face-to-face activities in 2021. Implementing protocols for bio-security we are able to offer home work club and psychology workshops in small groups. The video below shows the G4P team at work. Thanks...
Proyectos de apoyo para Goles por la paz
A continuación verán algunos de los proyectos en que usted como donante puede ayudar. Nuestro propósito es que conozcan las necesidades actuales y se animen a apoyar con la opción que puedan o por el contrario promuevan la divulgación del presente blog con empresas y...
Fundacion Goles por la Paz 2020
Desde la fundación goles por la paz queremos contarles un poco de las nuevas experiencias que se enfrentaron debido a la pandemia. Desde el mes de julio la fundación se vio a la necesidad de adaptarse a estos nuevos cambios de forma que pudiese continuar con sus...
A Wonderful Volunteer
Goals for Peace would like to thank a wonderful volunteer for his time with us in Bucaramanga. Star pupils from Calvin's English classes Calvin taught English lessons on a weekly basis for around a year and accompanied us in lots of other activities. He was self...
Santos Bajos
We are delighted to announce that Goals for Peace are now delivering our program in Santos Bajos, Bucaramanga, Colombia. We would like to thank the local community for their enthusiasm and participation in the program. The short video below shows one of the first days...
Christmas 2018 – Thank you
Goals for Peace would like to thank everyone who made Christmas 2018 possible: the people who made generous donations, the volunteers who dedicated their time and the whole G4P family. Every participant of the foundation in Olas 2 received a present which had been...
Making our Barrio Beautiful
Our young people decided to decorate the barrio with flowers. With the help of our wonderful volunteers they made the flower pots out of recycled materials, painted them in brilliant colours and arranged the floral displays on the houses of Olas Dos. Great to see our...
Golas for Peace teams going well in Cristo Rey League!
Congratulations to the Goals for Peace football teams who are playing really well in the Cristo Rey League. Our boys and girls teams have had some great results – and shown great team work!